I’m a Senior Manufacturing Engineer. I’ve worked at our Tallassee site for 18 months. It’s my job to provide work instructions to the people who build Sikorsky products on our assembly lines. I work on projects with the aim to improve the product output and processes. I’m part of a team of engineers and we collaborate to solve any manufacturing challenges.
I remember a great recent experience where I collaborated with departments outside of engineering as a team. We worked on a project to improve the output of a production line in the facility. The challenge was working on a new production line. So, this became an amazing learning opportunity for everyone involved. I liked the challenge this activity provided and the team spirit! Every opinion is valued and people are encouraged to share their ideas. We have people from diverse backgrounds and everyone is willing to help each other.
I’m inspired to come to work every day because of the products we make. Our products go on to become assembled to build aircrafts that protect humankind and our country.
I’d like to continue my journey as an Engineer and move into management. GKN Aerospace is supporting me to grow and achieve my goal.